Saturday, August 27, 2011

ordinary world

About a year ago today, I was sitting in my dorm room at Lancaster Bible college. I was trying to organize my room. I was pretty nervous and stuff, my parents had left the day before and I was kinda freaked out. (of course I didn't want anyone to know that) lol So I turned on some music to listen to while I put things away, and I chose the song Ordinary World by RED. At the time, it made me feel better, and the chorus seemed to describe my feelings at the time, "Where is the world that I recognize?" and "I wont cry for yesterday, there's an ordinary world I somehow I have to find" resonated. I wanted something familiar, But I had to adapt to where I was. I felt kinda lost in a place full of people I didn't know. haha Even though LBC is not that big.
As time went on I met all kinds of awesome people and felt at home. From time to time though when I was upset or stressed, I would listen to the same song. Kinda became special.
(I am a sap in case you can't tell..) :P

Now today, a year later, I am in quite a different place. Going to a different school, living at home. Lots of things have happened since then. I really miss all the people I met at LBC. It was an awesome year and I learned soo much. and I know that God has a reason for me not going back. His plans are far greater than I can try to figure out. He isn't making any mistakes. Sometimes I do have a hard time not complaining about it, and not just in this aspect of life, but in other ways as well. We all do that, it's hard not to.
So today I was listening to my music on shuffle, meandering on facebook, (bad idea) kinda letting my mind wander. And I was thinking about school, and friends and starting to feel kinda down, and what song comes on? Ordinary world.
As I am listening to the lyrics this time, they seemed to have a different meaning than before. Before I was using them to help me find normality in new surroundings. this time however, I heard the lines "and I won't cry for yesterday, there's an ordinary world somhow I have to find." and I was struck by how different those words sounded now than they did a year ago. Things change, and I may not like it. but I have to search for that "Ordinary world" and find what God is trying to show me in this segment of my life. I can't "cry for yesterday" becuz it's gone. I have to accept the now, and make it something that is just as good if not better than yesterday.
I know this all makes it sound like such a huge deal. And having to switch colleges is not necessarily a life changing situation.. but it's definitely something that I did not like, and have not had the happiest of feelings about. Don't judge me.. lol I just thought I would share how this song kinda helped me change my outlook.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't worry..Be happy.

So throughout my endeavors to write songs, I have discovered a few things.
When you write song lyrics, poetry, anything where you can be as subjective as you wish, Don't try too hard. If you try too hard to write something deep or original it will sound fake. When you create something artistic i.e, write songs, poetry, music etc. You are largely using your subconscious mind. I believe this is the part of your brain you use when dreaming. It is capable of expressing things in very unique ways. All you have to do is BE QUIET. Stop trying to think so hard and just let it happen. Trust me, if you have an artistic bone in your body then something will come.
Write about what you are familiar with. Don't try to write a song about something that you have never experienced. For example, if you are single and have never been in a relationship, don't attempt to write about a rough breakup, because even though you can probably imagine what it's like, the feelings are not alive and fresh inside of you. It will not be as powerful from someone with whom it is not firsthand. Now if you want to write about something far fetched that you have never done, like whale hunting or something, that is a bit different. lol
While it is perfectly fine to use songs as an outlet for emotions, be careful that you are not only writing sad songs, or angry songs. If you intend to make music for a living you should try to write a wide variety of songs in many different moods. And for marketing has been my amateur observation that happy songs sell. In todays frustrating world, people want a bit of optimism. Anybody can write an angsty rock piece, but not everybody can write an upbeat, expressive, happy song. One person who is great at a balance of different moods when they write is Adam Young From Owl City. Try it sometime.
These are just a few of the things I am learning as I go. If any other aspiring songwriters are out there reading this, I hope it helped. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google+ project: Real-life sharing...

Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google+ project: Real-life sharing...: "Update : For our international readers, this post is also available in French , German , Italian , Japanese , Portuguese , Russian and Span..."

This is such a great idea! I can't wait until it is fully operational.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Caring for Your Introvert - The Atlantic

Caring for Your Introvert - The Atlantic

This is all sooo true. I am an Introvert. No I am not upset. No I am not stuck up. and yes that dress does make you look jk but seriously, I am almost ready to start an Introvert Awareness movement. Growing up and even still today, I have constantly felt like people did not accept me for myself. I was always being asked if I was sad or upset, I would get to know someone and eventually they would say "so..not to be mean or anything, but I always thought you were stuck up before I got to know you." oh gee thanks... I hate small talk and meaningless chatter and prefer to think and listen to all the people talking around me. Well...people don't like I am quite happy that I don't have to try and be something I am not because I am officially different from other people. *sigh of relief* :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

beautiful words..

We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;—
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.
~ Arthur O'Shaughnessy
from Music and Moonlight

I loove this quote. For me it seems to describe artists everywhere.We can be the creative and the destructive, the loved and the hated, the most famous yet the most lonely, but we can also be the ones who shape people's thoughts and feelings, move them to tears with a song, inspire them with a painting, incite their sense of justice with a well written story... "We can be the movers and shakers.. of the world forever it seems..."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why I couldn't live without music..

Because music runs through my veins, it gives me my dreams, it keeps me sane and without it I would be a different person... Music is like magic, it can say things that nothing else can, and I intend to wield that power... To give people my thoughts. If they don't listen to me when I talk, I will let them listen with music. Hoping that they will take away something good.

yeah...I know I sound like an eccentric weirdo. :) oh well.

Monday, July 11, 2011

10 things NOT to do when you are bored.

...write a blog post... lol jk

So here is my list of 10 things to avoid doing when you are bored. and please don't take my sarcasm too seriously... :)

1.Tell your mom.... She will undoubtedly find much worse things for you to do than sit at your computer and waste time..
2. Get on Facebook and tell everyone you're bored. (becuz letting everyone on your friend list know that you are a loser with nothing to do is not going to help.):)
3.Text your friends and say "I'm bored.." I mean..what are they supposed to do? tell you a story??
4. Prank call people. Basically the only person who enjoys this is you, and maybe a few of your friends.
YOU:"Hey, this is Frigidaire calling about your warranty. Is your fridge running?"
THEM: "If you tell me to go catch it man, Your face is gonna catch it!!!!!! and if your gonna prank call someone come up with something original!!! Don't call me again!"
5. Try to do parkour on your backyard swingset. *Bartok voice* "Sir, this can only end in blood and tears..."
6.Ghost people at the mall. Where you walk behind someone so close that they can't see you. I's funny, but it's also a good way to get kicked out of the mall..
7. Blow things up in the microwave. i.e marshmallows,eggs,potatoes,forks(unless it's 4th of July),iodine etc....and no...I don't know from experience..why do you ask??? :P
8. Make a youtube video. Nuff said. Look up "Where's the Chapstick?" for further explanation...
9. Try to make food from scratch. "Mom! isn't ginger a substitute for cinnamon??" umm no it's not... Ginger goes on chicken you moron...have fun eating those cookies..
10. and least but definitely not last,...well actually I didn't come up with a last one... I got bored with it...